1. Regulatory Incubation for FinTech Entrepreneurs: 

The SEC Regulatory Incubation (RI) Program is designed to apply prescribed basic but limited regulation to supervise new Fintech business models and processes carrying out full or ancillary Capital Market activities. It is aimed at innovators who have been assessed and deemed eligible for SEC regulation, but for which no Rules exist or for which amendment of current Rules are required. The RI guidelines thus, prescribes limited regulatory requirements that allow a set of potential market operators (Fintech Firms) to operate for a specified period.  Click to Download the RI Guidelines

2. The  Accelerated Regulatory Incubation Program (ARIP):

The ARIP is to accelerate the onboarding of  Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs) and other Digital Investment Service providers (DISPs) seeking  to be registered with Commission. Click to Download the ARIP Framework

Application for the ARIP is now open – Click to commence the  process>>