Notice Of Suspension Of Centurion Registrars Limited, Its Directors And Sponsored Individuals From Capital Market Activities
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“the Commission”) hereby notifies the general public of the suspension of Centurion Registrars Limited, its sponsored individuals and Directors from all capital market activities with immediate effect.
This suspension order is made pursuant to the powers of the Commission under Section 38(4) & (5) of the Investments and Securities Act, 2007 and Rule 34(1)(e) of the SEC Consolidated Rules and Regulations 2013. The Commission’s decision is informed by the company’s failure to comply with regulatory directives and non-resolution of several complaints against it.
All clients of Centurion Registrars Limited are advised to contact Africa Prudential Plc for appropriate guidance on the transfer of their portfolios to another Registrar of their choice.
In addition, the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX), the Institute of Capital Market Registrars (ICMR), the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS), the Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS) Plc and all Capital Market Trade Association are directed to discontinue capital market related dealings with the company and its principal officers.