Illegal Operator Alert – Provest



The attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been drawn to the activities of Promiseland Estates Limited and Promiseland Building & Construction Limited which hold themselves out as Investment Advisers/Fund Managers in the Nigerian Capital Market and promote an illegal investment scheme called “PRO-VEST”.

The Commission hereby notifies the investing public that Promiseland Estates Limited and Promiseland Building & Construction Limited are NOT REGISTERED to operate in any capacity in the Nigerian Capital Market.

Accordingly, the general public is advised to refrain from engaging with Promiseland Estates Limited and Promiseland Building & Construction Limited or any of their representatives in respect of any business pertaining or relating to the Nigerian capital market. Members of the public are specifically warned against patronizing or investing in the scheme PRO-VEST.

The Commission uses this medium to reiterate that transacting in the Nigerian Capital Market with unregistered and unregulated entities exposes investors to the risk of fraud and potential loss of investment. The investing public is therefore reminded about the need to confirm the status of companies and entities offering investment opportunities on the Commission’s dedicated portal –, before transacting with them.